What causes Mats?
Loose hair
Dirt and grease.
Moisture is unavoidable with cats, they spend half of their active time washing themselves, and cats spit has five known allergens, when it dries it leaves flakes floating along the surface of the hair, so what you may have thought was dry skin, is actually dried saliva.
Loose hair can present a problem for long-haired, elderly or stressed cats. They can’t always remove all of the dead hair as it sheds out. Skin also sheds which is a greeny-yellow greasy flakes floating on the surface of the hair.
Dirt/Grease Cats are naturally greasy to be weatherproof.
1. Become aware of the condition of your cat’s fur. Regular cuddling and caressing and checking for dirt, grease shedding. The first signs are the thick areas that are about to fuse into mats.
2. Look for changes in their behaviour and health. Has the condition of the skin changed due to ageing or ill health? Can your cat reach everywhere they need to? When was their last checkup, cats are very good at hiding illness. Hormones, obesity, thyroid and allergies are all possible contributors to a matting problem.
3. If you have any concerns about your cat please seek professional help.
Brushing your cat on a regular basis regardless of the cat’s coat length…
1. Improves muscle tone.
2. Stimulates the skin and produce oils that make the coat shiny.
3. The whole process can be very therapeutic for you and your cat, in a positive, nurturing the bond between you.
4. It also gives you the opportunity to check on your cat’s health.
Start grooming at a young age using a soft brush, giving a reward afterwards. They will associate being brushed with something nice.
It’s always good to end on a positive note.
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